The RFA RobotLoader RS020N with RFA-Vision is a robot system, which RFA has developed for tending lathes and milling machines. The work pieces are transported on a conveyor belt, above which the camera of RFA-Vision is mounted.
The operator can easily set the robot and RFA-Vision for a new work piece by a few tabs on the touch screen of the tablet pc with the intuitive RFA-Vision software.
RFA RobotLoader RS020N with RFA-Vision. Click for a video: RS010N RFA-Vision
The Kawasaki RS020N robot has a handling capacity of 20 kg. This Robotloader is equipped with a double gripper (fast exchange of work piece), 1 in-feed conveyor, 1 out-feed conveyor for work pieces and safety fences in compliance with CE.
The camera of the RFA-Vision system guides the robot to the work piece on the conveyor. The robot picks the work piece from the conveyor, moves in the machine and exchanges the machined work piece for a raw work pieces in the chuck. The robot then places the machined work piece on the lower conveyor.
The option Bin-Picking with a magnet-gripper has an extra price of € 2.200,00. The robot uses the magnet gripper to pick work pieces from the bin or container. The robot places the work pieces randomly on the lower conveyor, where these are detected by the camera of RFA-Vision.
Scope of supply RFA Robotloader RS020N with RFA-Vision:
• 1 Kawasaki robot, RS020NFE91, 20kg., 6 axis, reach Ø 3.450 mm.
• 1 Kawasaki E91 controller, teach panel with TFT colour touch screen
• 1 Interface unit with 32 inputs, 32 outputs, 2x TCP/IP ethernet, USB port
• 1 Set RFA-Vision: tablet pc, Windows, camera, lens, lighting unit
• 1 Stand 45° for the robot
• 2 Schunk PGN/PZN+80/2 2- or 3 finger grippers, with 1 set of fingers
• 1 Nozzle for cleaning the chuck with pressurised air
• 1 Conveyor for work pieces, length=2.500 mm. width=500mm.
• 1 Conveyor for work pieces, length=2.000 mm. width=500mm.
• 1 Set safety fences with 1 service door in accordance with CE
• 1 Factory acceptance test at RFA
• 1 Robot program for 1 work piece
• 1 User friendly intuitive RFA-Vision menu to adjust the robot for new work pieces
• 1 Programming training at RFA
• 1 Set of Kawasaki robot manuals Dutch, German, English and French
• 1 Set of CE documentation in English